GeoChemFoam with Docker: Set up and run - GeoChemFoam/GeoChemFoam GitHub Wiki

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First things first, let's get GeoChemFoam working on your system. These instructions will be for using GeoChemFoam from docker. For a native GeoChemFoam install please refer to the Install GeoChemFoam from source code page


  1. Download the docker desktop version appropriate for your system.

  2. Open terminal or command prompt and pull the latest version of GeoChemFoam from the docker hub: docker pull jcmaes/geochemfoam-5.0

  3. Choose and create a folder in which to mount the Docker result. Example: C:\Users\Public\Document\Docker\runs (Windows) or $HOME/Docker/runs (linux). We will bind this folder to the $GCFOAM_RUNS folder inside the docker container so you can access the simulation results outside the container. In addition, the results will not be deleted when the container is closed.

  4. Start the GeoChemFoam docker in interactive mode with your data directory mounted to the data folder using the terminal application: docker run --mount type=bind,source="insert_your_folder",target="/home/gcfoam/works/GeoChemFoam-5.0/runs" -it jcmaes/geochemfoam-5.0:latest, where you replace "insert_your_folder" by the name of the runs directory on your local machine.

  5. It is recommended not to run simulation cases directly in the $GCFOAM_RUNS folder as this may lead to performance issues due to the binding. Instead, run your simulations in a different folder (e.g., inside $GCFOAM_TUTORIALS) and copy the result into the $GCFOAM_RUNS to access them outside the container.

That's it! GeoChemFoam is now ready to run simulations.