GeoChemFoam Native version: Install GeoChemFoam from source code - GeoChemFoam/GeoChemFoam GitHub Wiki

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First things first, let's get GeoChemFoam working on your system. These instructions will be for using GeoChemFoam Native version. For GeoChemFoam with Docker, please refer to the GeoChemFoam with Docker: Set up


GeoChemFoam-5.0 uses the ESI OpenCFD Release OpenFOAM-v2212. It is also compatible with the previous versions OpenFoam-V2206, OpenFoam-v2112 and OpenFoam-v2106. Compatibility with earlier versions hasn't been tested. Installation instruction can be obtained at:

Set-up file directory

Create a directory in your home folder named 'works':

mkdir $HOME/works

cd $HOME/works

Clone GeoChemFoam:

git clone

Set-up the bashrc script:

The bashrc file gives the path to the openfoam directory, as well as a few aliases that are used during compilation. It is located in the 'etc' directory. To set-it up to your system, change line #13 and #14 according to your openfoam installation directories (nothing to do if in /usr/lib/openfoam). Then source the bashrc file.

source etc/bashrc

Create an alias

echo "alias gf50='source $HOME/works/GeoChemFoam-5.0/etc/bashrc'" >> $HOME/.bashrc

This line means that whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to GeoChemFoam-5.0. In other words, whenever you start a new terminal, you should run:



The following command compile the code:



To check that the code has correctly compiled, one can run the checkInstall command:


If the code has compiled correctly, the final line should be:

Installation successful