Troubleshooting and FAQs - GenomicsDB/GenomicsSampleAPIs GitHub Wiki

Troubleshooting Guide

The checklist below describes the common pitfalls that most people get trapped into

  1. [TileDB] Verify that the workspace and all its sub-directories have read and execute permission for the user running the uwsgi app.
    • Run chmod -R ga+rx <path to TileDB workspace>
  2. [Library] Run ldd and verify that all dependencies are mapped correctly. If any of them do not look right, compile the search_library and dependencies: make BUILD=release GENOMICSD_DB=/path/to/GenomicsSampleAPI/search_library/dependencies/GenomicsDB
    • can be found under GenomicsSampleAPIs/search_library/lib folder
  3. [GA4GH] Verify that the GenomicsSampleAPIs/web/<array_name>_ga4gh.conf file has the right absolute paths.
    • WORKSPACE is the path to where the Database was setup (from create_tiledb_workspace), and not to the GenomicsDB/TileDB github repo.
    • Most of the time when a new DB array is created, folks forget to update the ARRAYNAME
  4. [NGINX] SELinux will sometimes prevent nginx from accessing the uwsgi socket.
    • nginx isn't allowed to access the socket, so give it permissions:
    sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t 'ga4gh.sock'
    sudo restorecon -v 'ga4gh.sock' 
    • set a policy to allow nginx to access sockets:
    sudo grep nginx /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mypol
    sudo semodule -i mypol.pp


  1. How do I remove the array that is already created in Tile DB?
    • In the directory corresponding to the TileDB workspace, you will find a directory <array_name> which contains all the data corresponding to the array. Delete the directory <array_name>.
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