Dendrogram panel - Genometric/GeMSE GitHub Wiki

Dendrogram Panel

The dendrogram panel is displayed when:

  • a clustering operation is performed
  • the operation of a selected node from the state-transition tree is clustering

This panel, displays the dendrogram of a clustering operation. Using Elbow method it suggests an optimal number of clusters, and provides features to deciding what is the correct number of clusters.

User can investigate cluster count using two dendrogram cutting methods: Distance to root (height) and Distance between children. By changing the value of these cutting methods, GeMSE automatically updates the related Number of clusters.

Distance to root (height)

Cuts a dendrogram where a node is h nodes far from the root node.

Distance to root

Distance between children

Cuts a dendrogram where the distance between children of a node is less than or equal to d.

Distance between children