UC Davis 2021 Exercise 2 - GenomeRIK/workshop_tutorials GitHub Wiki
Using TAMA Merge to compare Iso-Seq annotation with Gencode/Ensembl
Look at the input file list file for TAMA Merge
The file should look like this:
tc_nc_lde220_mm2_alz_flnc_hg38_sort_chrom_cleanup.bed no_cap 2,2,2 isoseq gencode.v33_chrom_cleanup.bed capped 1,1,1 gencode
Note that fields are tab separated!
Look at bash script
Bash script should look like:
filelist='filelist_isoseq_gencode.txt' prefix='tm_tc_flnc_nolde_gencode_100' fivethresh='100' threethresh='100' source='gencode' spath='/home/genomerik/tama/' pscript='tama_merge.py' python ${spath}${pscript} -f ${filelist} -p ${prefix} -a ${fivethresh} -z ${threethresh} -d merge_dup -s ${source}
run bash script
sh run_tama_merge.sh
Check out the summary run bash script
sh run_summary.bed tm_tc_flnc_nolde_gencode_100.bed