Home - GenevaSoftwareEngineering2016/ChristmasBirdCountApp GitHub Wiki
#Welcome to the ChristmasBirdCountApp wiki!
##The ChristmasBirdCountApp is a software project conducted by senior Computer Science students at Geneva College.##
The ChristmasBirdCountApp is a mobile Android application developed in C# using Xamarin.Android and Visual Studio.
The app exists to facilitate some of the work associated with the Audubon Society's annual Christmas Bird Count (which occurs in December each year). The Christmas Bird Count is an annual census of birds in the United States - See http://www.audubon.org/conservation/science/christmas-bird-count for more information.
Every year, teams of birdwatchers go out on specific days to count every single bird and bird species they see that day within a given area (a "count circle"). The results have traditionally been recorded using paper forms. When a team finishes their day of birdwatching, a report is created and sent to the Regional Compiler. The report includes the list of all birds seen, the total number of all birds, the total number of all bird species, the weather in the field that day, the names of team members, the count circle name/code, and a log of the miles and hours spent walking, driving, and owling.
When the Regional Compiler receives all of the reports from teams in his region, the Compiler combines all the reports and sends a regional report to the next highest level in the Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count hierarchy (a compiler who combines reports from multiple regions).
This wiki serves as a guide to the basic functions and technical (software) architecture of the ChristmasBirdCountApp project.