Usage - Genetalks/gtz GitHub Wiki
1:Compress the sample.fq to the current directory.
gtz sample.fq
2:Compress the file sample.fq into the out folder of the current directory.
gtz sample.fq -o ./out/sample.fq.gtz
***If the species is not specified by the '--bin-file' , GTZ will automatically recognize the species to compress. ***
3.GTZ performs high compression by specifying bin files in the Homo folder under the current directory.
gtz sample.fq --bin-file ./Homo/Homo_sapiens_bcacac9064331276504f27c6cf40e580.bin
1.Deompress the file sample.fq to the current directory.If there is no species rbin file under "\~/.config/ gtz/", GTZ will be automatically downloaded from the Cloud to "\~/.config/ gtz /".
gtz -d sample.fq.gtz
2.Specify the directory of the rbin path “~/Homo” for decompress sample.fq.gtz.
gtz -d sample.fq.gtz --rbin-path ~/Homo
3.Decompress sample.fq.gtz to the Homo folder in the current path
gtz -d sample.fq.gtz --out-dir ./Homo
usage: gtz [-h] [-o OUT] [-b INDEX_BIN] [-d DECOMPRESS] [-O OUT_DIR]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT specify the GTZ file name after compression
-b BIN_FILE, --bin-file BIN_FILE specify the bin file name for high compression
-d DECOMPRESS, --decompress DECOMPRESS decompress
-O OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR specify the save path of the extracted file
-c, --stdout decompress to terminal
-z, --fastq-to-fastq-gz decompress fastq to fastq.gz, it's valid only for FASTQ
-r RBIN_PATH, --rbin-path RBIN_PATH specify the path where the rbin file resides
-p PARALLEL_NUM,--parallel specify parallel number for compression or decompression,
default equal CPU logical cores
-f, --force force overwrite of output file
-e, --no-keep don't keep input files
-v, --version display version number
Interaction mode:
Show supported species and you can gradually create bin files through human-machine interaction mode.
Manual mode
1:Show supported species list,the index number is the input of the gtz_index download command.
gtz_index list
2:Download the rbin file in the species list with No.1 index
gtz_index download 1
3:Make BIN,rec file by specifying the rbin file". /Homo/Homo_sapiens_bcacac9064331276504f27c6cf40e580.rbin "
gtz_index makeindex ./Homo/Homo_sapiens_bcacac9064331276504f27c6cf40e580.rbin
gtz_index <command> [options]
list show species which current support
download <index> <path_to> download species reference sequence rbin file , path_to is not necessary.
makeindex <rbin_path> making reference sequence
Let’s start Nirvana plan! At first, we have a gtz file named sample.fq.gtz.
Step 1:
Run the following command to extract the embeded programe gtz_reborn to current directory:
sed -e 's/\[GTZ_REBORN_BEGIN\]/\n&/;' sample.fq.gtz | sed -n '/\[GTZ_REBORN_BEGIN\]/,/\[GTZ_REBORN_END\]/p' | sed -e 's/.*\[GTZ_REBORN_BEGIN\]//g' -e 's/\[GTZ_REBORN_END\].*//g' | tar -zxvf -
If sample.fq.gtz is a high compression file, download the corresponding fasta file according to the prompt, and then extract the file.
If sample.fq.gtz is not a high compression file, the FASTQ file can be extracted directly
./gtz_reborn -d sample.fq.gtz