Values - GenerousLabs/about GitHub Wiki

What does GeneroUS software look like?


For the first time in history, humanity as a whole has enough resources. We have sufficient food, water, shelter and medicine. The challenge of this century is coordination. Getting the right things to the right people at the right time.

We believe all technology is political. It embodies a set of political values. The internet is fundamentally hierarchical. The advent of "cloud" computing represents a subtle yet important shift in the balance of power.

GeneroUS software meets the following criteria:

  • Transparency
    • Individuals should be able to inspect what software does on their behalf
    • All parts of the system should be open and accessible to the curious and motivated viewer
  • Sovereignty
    • Individuals data should live on their own devices under their own control
    • Neither software nor data should be held to ransom
    • Updates to software should be voluntary


When we fail, we seek to openly and honestly acknowledge it. We seek to do the right thing, even when nobody is watching. We seek to treat others fairly by choice.


Transparency facilitates trust. By seeking to share information openly and freely, we create a bedrock of accountability.


Honesty underpins cooperation at scale. By seeking to be as truthful as possible we facilitate trust.


We believe in personal sovereignty. The right of the individual to have their boundaries and rights respected. We seek to support personal freedoms and independence of action. We seek to inform not to manipulate. We seek to support our peers in making their own choices from their own perspective.


We are politically aligned with personal and communal liberty. The right of individuals to self determinism. To make their own choices and to experience their own consequences.


Our ability to cooperate at scale is humanity's greatest strength. We seek to cooperate first, compete second. We recognise that everybody wins through greater cooperation. Life is not a zero sum game.