Auto Updater (usage and small note) - GeneralMine/TUMine GitHub Wiki

⚠️ please keep in mind

The 'Auto Updater' does NOT perform updates on its own. It does not listen to any connections or changes in the file system. It has to get triggered via the /update command, either in the server console or by a player with the update permission.


  • standardized plugin names of the new versions (jump)
  • standardized plugin version format (jump)
  • standardized storing of new versions of the plugin(jump)

File Naming Convention

int x, y, z are placeholders for major, minor and patch. The name should be tumine-x.y.z.jar, it could be changed, but that is up to the team to decide. For now, please keep it like tumine-x.y.z.jar. The main/running plugin's file name must begin with tumine.

Version Format

The only difference to semver:

Additional flags are not yet supported. Feel free to change that, versioning and comparison of those is handled in ga.tumgaming.tumine.autoupdater.Version.

So only use MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH for now.

Where to put new versions

In the data folder of the TUMine plugin, basically:

- test-server
  - server.jar
  - plugins
    - tumine.jar
    - tumine
      - tumine-1.2.3.jar