SingleFile - GeneralElectric/TrueConnect-Link GitHub Wiki

This mode of execution allows you call TrueConnect-Link from the command line specifying exactly one file you want uploading to true connect. This is useful if you want to utilize the ability to upload files to TrueConnect in a script or batch command. This mode of operation requires no configuration file and will log the upload with the specified client to prevent duplicate upload.

As this mode doesn't use a configuration file you will need to specify some manditory fields via the command line:

  • tenant: This is a unique identify for a particular customer and is used to physically separate the data stored in TrueConnect so unless you are an agent for several customers you will only have one of these. If you do have access to more than one of these it is essential that you use the correct one as this cannot be changed later so the data will have to be deleted and re-uploaded.
  • datatype: Describes the content of the file so for instance the file "Surfing.mp4" whould have the data type of "Video", or maybe "Sports Video", the important thing here is to use the a name that is useful to down stream consumers and describes a grouping of data that should be dealt with in the same way.
  • dataformat: This tells downstream consumers what processing need to be performed to decode the data, examples might include; "mp4", "zippedCSV", "Arinc717". Be as specific as is required to determine the difference between the data formats you are sending.
  • user: This is the "username" you use to connect to TrueConnect.
  • secret: This is the "password" you use to connect to true connect.
  • tokenurl: This is the URL of the UAA service that will authenticate your username and password.
  • Endpoint: TrueConnect has several regional instances this is the URL of the TrueConnect instance where you will be storing your data.
  • Path: The full path to the file you would like to upload.

With this information TrueConnect-Link can be executed on single file in the following way.

Trueconnectlink -c:Upload -u:<user> -p:<secret> -tenant:<tenant> -datatype:<datatype> -dataformat:<dataformat> -path:<path> -e:<endpoint> -tokurl:<tokenurl>
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