03. Configure Initialisation Batch Files - General-Disarray/Setting-Up-DSDPlus-Fastlane GitHub Wiki
DSDPlus uses two batch files to initate. First step is to configure these files for your system. My system of choice is the NSW GRN (now PSN) network. This is an APCO25 Phase I (soon to be Phase II) network.
To intitialise DSDPlus, we are using FMP24-CC.bat and CC.bat
Edit FMP24-CC.bat and adjust your command line as per the DSDPlus.txt configuration options.
My default is this:
FMP24 -rc -i1 -o20001 -P0.0 -f416.4875
The number after -f is the control channel frequency in mhz that I want as default on startup.
Next, edit CC.bat. Again, mine is thus:
DSDPlus -rc -fa -i20001 -v0 -wsl400.2 -wss100.200 -wel20.10 -wcl0.445 -wes600.900 >>CC.log
Set -v3 or -v4 for verbose logging, -v0 for minimal. Level 3 and 4 generate very large logs files, very quickly. All of the options starting with -w define window positions and sizes.