Deprecated features - Genbox/SimpleS3 GitHub Wiki

On this page, I will list all the features that have been deprecated by Amazon. It also notes what has been done about the feature in SimpleS3.

Amazon S3 was created back in 2006 and was designed with the technologies from back then. Over time it has evolved to be more than just simple object storage. Because it is used by millions of customers, Amazon can't just immediately move to new technology when it comes out, they, therefore, create a long term depreciation plan and make announcements over several years.

Deprecated feature Replacement feature Note More info
Path style buckets Virtual host buckets Due to virtual hosts being part of the DNS name in the URL, buckets will have a lot of new limitations in their names. This library implements strict name validation but allows to have it turned off via S3Config.EnableBucketNameValidation
Signature V2 Signature V4 Only SigV4 is implemented in this library