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#RPG Skillz Wiki Page
Current code name for this mod is: RPG Skillz
The mod is in Alpha atm, and can and probably will go though many changes, including the name.
This mod will bring an RPG style of gameplay to the world of Minecraft. It will give players a feel for progression and building a character up from nothing. My goal is to create a mod that will work for single player, but make multiplayer a much richer experience.
This game is not going to be set of predefined set of classes. Players will be able to choose their own path in the world. As you would in real life practice makes perfect, and to learn a new skill you have to practice. You will have a chance to use a skill simply by trying it. Even if you fail using a skill, you will skill have a chance to gain that skill. To Keep the player on his chosen path a player can simply lock the skills he doesn't want to learn. The player must do this in case he has a max amount of skill points he can use. The player can also begin to forget a skill to free up points, Forgetting skills takes time. The more skills you learn the harder it is for you to learn new skills, So choose wisely.
I want to do a lot with this mod, and I have already decided to break parts of this mod off to be some stand alone mods. I hope you enjoy it. Be Aware... this is still in Alpha, it is not optimized to work with other mods, and will be very buggy. You can help me by posting in the Issue Tracker
Check out Current Skill List