Integration App Actions - GenDeathrow/SDV_BlessingsAndCurses GitHub Wiki


Type Parameters Info
"heal_player" "heal": "10" Amount of health to add or remove from player Updates players health bar
"give_stamina" "amt": "10" Amount of Stamina to add or remove from player Updates the players stamina bar
"give_money" "amt": "10" Amount of Money to add or subtract from player Add or remove money from player
"spawn" "mob": "slime" mob spawn type based on string id. List of NPC Ids Below "amt": "1" amount of mobs to spawn Spawn npc monsters or junimos
"buff" "buffType": "greenthumb" Add buffs via string id. List of Buff Ids Below Apply buff to player from my custom daily buffs
"custom_buff" View Parameters Below Creates a Custom Buff.
"weather" "weatherType": 0 0 = Sunny Weather, 1 = Rain, 2 = Debris Weather, 3 = Lighting Storm Allows Weather change, Will be stored in a queue, wont trigger twice in one day, and wont trigger on a festival. If more than one in the queue, it will not trigger till next day.
"screen_flash" "color": "OrangeRed" View Colors Below Causes the screen to flash once.
"command" View Debug Commands Runs Debug Command
"bomb_event" "bombtype": "cherry" cherry = Cherry Bomb, bomb = Bomb, mega_bomb = Mega Bomb "cnt": "1" Set how many bombs you want to spawn. Spawns one/many bombs around the player
"spawn_cat" No Parameters Spawns a cat with the name of the person its from.
"meteor_storm" "stormtype": "apocalyptic", "large", "medium",or "small" Spawns a Meteor Storm over you.
"fireball_event" "difficulty": "insane", "hard", "normal",or "easy" Spawns Fireballs all around you. They bounce of walls.
"gift" "object_id": "427" Takes Object Id to spawn. List of Object IDs under Raw Data, "cnt": 1 Set how many of the items you want. Spawns a Gift box from a player. Will not spawn inside Farmhouse

List of NPC Mobs

* More will be added

id NPC
"junimo" Non-hostile Junimo
"slime" Small Slime
"big_slime" Big Slime
"bug" Bug
"fly" Fly
"bat" Bat
"crab" Crab

List of My Custom Daily Buffs

id Name Skill Change Description
"greenthumb" "Green Thumb" farming +4 Buff Farming +4
"brownthumb" "Brown Thumb" farming -4 Debuff Farming -4
"goodfish" "Good Fishing Advice" fishing +5 Buff Fishing +5
"badfish" "Bad Fishing Advice" fishing -5 Debuff Fishing -5
"w2" "+2 Weapon" attack +2 Buff Attack +2
"w4" "+4 Weapon" attack +4 Buff Attack +4
"beserk" "Beserker" attack +6 Buff Attack +6"
"rusted" "Rusted Weapon" attack -2 Debuff Attack -2
"broken" "Broken Weapon" attack -4 Debuff Attack -4
"missing" "Missing Weapon" attack -8 Debuff Attack -8
"a2" "+2 Armor" defense +2 Buff Defense +2
"a3" "+3 Armor" defense +3 Buff Defense +3
"a-2" "-2 Armor" defense -2 Debuff Defense -2
"a-3" "-3 Armor" defense -3 Debuff Defense -3
"hippie" "Hippie" foraging +2 Buff Foraging +2
"vegan" "Vegan" foraging +4 Buff Foraging +4
"lumber" "Lumberjack" foraging +8 Buff Foraging +8
"yuppie" "Yuppies" foraging -2 Debuff Foraging -2
"carnivore" "Carnivore" foraging -4 Debuff Foraging -4
"worksout" "Works Out" maxStamina +80 Buff Stamina +80
"potato" "Couch Potato" maxStamina -80 Debuff Stamina -80
"bionic" "Bionic Legs" speed +4 Buff Speed +4"
"short" "I'm Just Short" add_speed -2 Debuff Speed -2
"clover" "Lucky" luck +2 Buff Luck +2
"stepped" "UnLucky" luck -2 Debuff Luck -2
"lottery" "Lottery Winner" luck +4 Buff Luck +4
"mirror" "Broke a Mirror" luck -4 Debuff Luck -8

Custom Buff Parameters

Parameter Type Info
"id" String uuid for the buff. lowercase no spaces. [Required]
"name" String Display name in-game. [Required]
"short_description" String In-game Description. [Required]
"duration" int Duration of Buff in secs. [Optional]
"farming" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"fishing" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"attack" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"defense" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"foraging" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"max_stamina" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"speed" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"luck" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"mining" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"magnetic_radius" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]
"glowing" Int "1" = true / "0" = false [Optional]
"glowing_color" Int Affects skill with positive or negative number. [Optional]

Current Glowing Colors

MediumBlue MediumOrchid MediumPurple MediumSeaGreen
MediumSlateBlue MediumSpringGreen MediumTurquoise MediumVioletRed
MistyRose MintCream MediumAquamarine Moccasin
NavajoWhite Navy OldLace Olive
MidnightBlue Maroon LimeGreen Linen
LemonChiffon LightBlue LightCoral LightCyan
LightGoldenrodYellow LightGreen LightGray Magenta
LightPink LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSlateGray
LightSteelBlue LightYellow Lime OliveDrab
LightSalmon Orange PaleGoldenrod Orchid
Silver SkyBlue SlateBlue SlateGray
Snow SpringGreen SteelBlue Sienna
Tan Thistle Tomato Turquoise
Violet Wheat White WhiteSmoke
Teal OrangeRed SeaShell SandyBrown
LawnGreen PaleGreen PaleTurquoise PaleVioletRed
PapayaWhip PeachPuff Peru SeaGreen
Pink PowderBlue Purple Red
RoyalBlue SaddleBrown Salmon Plum
LavenderBlush Ivory Khaki DarkGreen
DarkGray DarkGoldenrod DarkCyan DarkBlue
Cyan Lavender Cornsilk CornflowerBlue
Coral Chocolate Chartreuse CadetBlue
BurlyWood Brown BlueViolet Blue
BlanchedAlmond Black Bisque Beige
Azure Aquamarine Aqua AntiqueWhite
AliceBlue Transparent DarkKhaki DarkMagenta
Crimson DarkOrange Yellow Indigo
IndianRed HotPink DarkOliveGreen GreenYellow
Green Gray Goldenrod Gold
GhostWhite Gainsboro Fuchsia ForestGreen
Honeydew Firebrick FloralWhite DarkOrchid
DarkRed DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSlateBlue
YellowGreen DarkTurquoise DarkViolet DeepPink
DeepSkyBlue DimGray DarkSlateGray DodgerBlue