Integration App Actions - GenDeathrow/SDV_BlessingsAndCurses GitHub Wiki
Type | Parameters | Info |
"heal_player" |
"heal": "10" Amount of health to add or remove from player |
Updates players health bar |
"give_stamina" |
"amt": "10" Amount of Stamina to add or remove from player |
Updates the players stamina bar |
"give_money" |
"amt": "10" Amount of Money to add or subtract from player |
Add or remove money from player |
"spawn" |
"mob": "slime" mob spawn type based on string id. List of NPC Ids Below "amt": "1" amount of mobs to spawn |
Spawn npc monsters or junimos |
"buff" |
"buffType": "greenthumb" Add buffs via string id. List of Buff Ids Below |
Apply buff to player from my custom daily buffs |
"custom_buff" |
View Parameters Below | Creates a Custom Buff. |
"weather" |
"weatherType": 0 0 = Sunny Weather, 1 = Rain, 2 = Debris Weather, 3 = Lighting Storm |
Allows Weather change, Will be stored in a queue, wont trigger twice in one day, and wont trigger on a festival. If more than one in the queue, it will not trigger till next day. |
"screen_flash" |
"color": "OrangeRed" View Colors Below |
Causes the screen to flash once. |
"command" |
View Debug Commands | Runs Debug Command |
"bomb_event" |
"bombtype": "cherry" cherry = Cherry Bomb, bomb = Bomb, mega_bomb = Mega Bomb "cnt": "1" Set how many bombs you want to spawn. |
Spawns one/many bombs around the player |
"spawn_cat" |
No Parameters | Spawns a cat with the name of the person its from. |
"meteor_storm" |
"stormtype" : "apocalyptic" , "large" , "medium" ,or "small" |
Spawns a Meteor Storm over you. |
"fireball_event" |
"difficulty" : "insane" , "hard" , "normal" ,or "easy" |
Spawns Fireballs all around you. They bounce of walls. |
"gift" |
"object_id" : "427" Takes Object Id to spawn. List of Object IDs under Raw Data, "cnt" : 1 Set how many of the items you want. |
Spawns a Gift box from a player. Will not spawn inside Farmhouse |
List of NPC Mobs
* More will be added
id | NPC |
"junimo" |
Non-hostile Junimo |
"slime" |
Small Slime |
"big_slime" |
Big Slime |
"bug" |
Bug |
"fly" |
Fly |
"bat" |
Bat |
"crab" |
Crab |
List of My Custom Daily Buffs
id | Name | Skill Change | Description |
"greenthumb" |
"Green Thumb" | farming +4 | Buff Farming +4 |
"brownthumb" |
"Brown Thumb" | farming -4 | Debuff Farming -4 |
"goodfish" |
"Good Fishing Advice" | fishing +5 | Buff Fishing +5 |
"badfish" |
"Bad Fishing Advice" | fishing -5 | Debuff Fishing -5 |
"w2" |
"+2 Weapon" | attack +2 | Buff Attack +2 |
"w4" |
"+4 Weapon" | attack +4 | Buff Attack +4 |
"beserk" |
"Beserker" | attack +6 | Buff Attack +6" |
"rusted" |
"Rusted Weapon" | attack -2 | Debuff Attack -2 |
"broken" |
"Broken Weapon" | attack -4 | Debuff Attack -4 |
"missing" |
"Missing Weapon" | attack -8 | Debuff Attack -8 |
"a2" |
"+2 Armor" | defense +2 | Buff Defense +2 |
"a3" |
"+3 Armor" | defense +3 | Buff Defense +3 |
"a-2" |
"-2 Armor" | defense -2 | Debuff Defense -2 |
"a-3" |
"-3 Armor" | defense -3 | Debuff Defense -3 |
"hippie" |
"Hippie" | foraging +2 | Buff Foraging +2 |
"vegan" |
"Vegan" | foraging +4 | Buff Foraging +4 |
"lumber" |
"Lumberjack" | foraging +8 | Buff Foraging +8 |
"yuppie" |
"Yuppies" | foraging -2 | Debuff Foraging -2 |
"carnivore" |
"Carnivore" | foraging -4 | Debuff Foraging -4 |
"worksout" |
"Works Out" | maxStamina +80 | Buff Stamina +80 |
"potato" |
"Couch Potato" | maxStamina -80 | Debuff Stamina -80 |
"bionic" |
"Bionic Legs" | speed +4 | Buff Speed +4" |
"short" |
"I'm Just Short" | add_speed -2 | Debuff Speed -2 |
"clover" |
"Lucky" | luck +2 | Buff Luck +2 |
"stepped" |
"UnLucky" | luck -2 | Debuff Luck -2 |
"lottery" |
"Lottery Winner" | luck +4 | Buff Luck +4 |
"mirror" |
"Broke a Mirror" | luck -4 | Debuff Luck -8 |
Custom Buff Parameters
Parameter | Type | Info | |
"id" |
String | uuid for the buff. lowercase no spaces. | [Required] |
"name" |
String | Display name in-game. | [Required] |
"short_description" |
String | In-game Description. | [Required] |
"duration" |
int | Duration of Buff in secs. | [Optional] |
"farming" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"fishing" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"attack" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"defense" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"foraging" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"max_stamina" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"speed" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"luck" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"mining" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"magnetic_radius" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
"glowing" |
Int | "1" = true / "0" = false |
[Optional] |
"glowing_color" |
Int | Affects skill with positive or negative number. | [Optional] |
Current Glowing Colors
Colors | |||
MediumBlue | MediumOrchid | MediumPurple | MediumSeaGreen |
MediumSlateBlue | MediumSpringGreen | MediumTurquoise | MediumVioletRed |
MistyRose | MintCream | MediumAquamarine | Moccasin |
NavajoWhite | Navy | OldLace | Olive |
MidnightBlue | Maroon | LimeGreen | Linen |
LemonChiffon | LightBlue | LightCoral | LightCyan |
LightGoldenrodYellow | LightGreen | LightGray | Magenta |
LightPink | LightSeaGreen | LightSkyBlue | LightSlateGray |
LightSteelBlue | LightYellow | Lime | OliveDrab |
LightSalmon | Orange | PaleGoldenrod | Orchid |
Silver | SkyBlue | SlateBlue | SlateGray |
Snow | SpringGreen | SteelBlue | Sienna |
Tan | Thistle | Tomato | Turquoise |
Violet | Wheat | White | WhiteSmoke |
Teal | OrangeRed | SeaShell | SandyBrown |
LawnGreen | PaleGreen | PaleTurquoise | PaleVioletRed |
PapayaWhip | PeachPuff | Peru | SeaGreen |
Pink | PowderBlue | Purple | Red |
RoyalBlue | SaddleBrown | Salmon | Plum |
LavenderBlush | Ivory | Khaki | DarkGreen |
DarkGray | DarkGoldenrod | DarkCyan | DarkBlue |
Cyan | Lavender | Cornsilk | CornflowerBlue |
Coral | Chocolate | Chartreuse | CadetBlue |
BurlyWood | Brown | BlueViolet | Blue |
BlanchedAlmond | Black | Bisque | Beige |
Azure | Aquamarine | Aqua | AntiqueWhite |
AliceBlue | Transparent | DarkKhaki | DarkMagenta |
Crimson | DarkOrange | Yellow | Indigo |
IndianRed | HotPink | DarkOliveGreen | GreenYellow |
Green | Gray | Goldenrod | Gold |
GhostWhite | Gainsboro | Fuchsia | ForestGreen |
Honeydew | Firebrick | FloralWhite | DarkOrchid |
DarkRed | DarkSalmon | DarkSeaGreen | DarkSlateBlue |
YellowGreen | DarkTurquoise | DarkViolet | DeepPink |
DeepSkyBlue | DimGray | DarkSlateGray | DodgerBlue |