Assembly 2 Top vertex - GemstockCo/Gemstock-Mk2 GitHub Wiki

For the top vertices we take almost the same steps as for the bottom vertices except for that it's slightly easier.

Put the M5x10 bolts through the top vertices from the inside-out and attaching the DIN 439 M5 nuts on the outside, also do not tighten these bolts yet!

[Image of top vertex with M5 bolts and nuts]

Next, on the same side of all your vertices, insert the 2040 aluminium extrusion over the DIN 439 M5 nuts and push them all the way to the end against the corner.

When placed correctly you can now insert 2x M5 bolts to fasten the newly threaded holes of the 2040 aluminium extrusion to the top vertex.

[Double image of aluminium extrusions in top vertex and aluminium extrusion mounted with the 2xM5 bolts]

Next you can fasten the inside of the M5 bolts so it tightens it's grip on the aluminium extrusions.

After you've tightened all the bolts you should have 3 identical top vertices ready.

[Image of 3 identical bottom vertices with 2040]

Alright, let's move on to the the next step. Assembling the vertices together.

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