User Interface - Gemore/SDP-Battleship GitHub Wiki

User Interface details

Start Screen

Has 3 buttons for the user - to begin the game, to go to the options screen and to quit. The background will be an image of a battleship of an ocean, with some war music(orchestra/symphony) playing in the background.

Used assets

  • Ocean, Ship images
  • Background Music

Options Screen

Gives the user the options to control the volume of both the music and the sound effects (as well as total mute). They also can change the visual quality of the game (low, medium, high). Lastly the user has the option to pick what colour they would like to play as.

Used assets

  • Ocean, Ship images
  • Background Music

Game Screen

The main game loop screen (and playing of the game). The user is presented with two grids side by side, one for their ships (left) and one for what they are shooting at (right). First, the user is promoted to place their ships, and then the game begins. They alternate with the A.I. clicking the right grid to choose where to shoot.

Users may pause the game with a button at the top right.

Used assets

  • Miss and Hit sound effects
  • Grid, Ocean, Ship images
  • Background Music

Pause Screen

Looks identical to main game screen, but the game loop is no longer running. Three options exist for the user (to quit, to resume and to go to the options menu)

Used assets

  • Grid, Ocean, Ship images
  • Background Music

Victory/Defeat Screen

Looks identical to main game screen, but the game loop is no longer running. The player is told they have won(or lost) the game, with music to signify their victory. The user has two buttons, to quit or to click continue and go back to the main screen.

Used assets

  • Grid, Ocean, Ship images
  • Victory Music
