Gameplay - Gemore/SDP-Battleship GitHub Wiki
Battleship is essentially play between two players or with a AI. First you have 6 ships to start with. The players have to place the battleship on a 10 X 10 grid by clicking the row and column that they want. They can rotate the ships.
After both players are ready. Player will play in turn and start to attack a position by clicking a specific row and column. You can only take one shot per turn. If you successful attack the square where the ship is located it will be marked as a hit. If you miss you will be mark as a miss. If you hit all the square of an enemy ship, it will sink.
If all ships of a player are sunk then the other player will win the game.
- Ships
- Explosion(Hit)
- Miss
- Game music
- Ship sink
- Explosion
- Victory
- Defeat