Debug mode - Gemini-Loboto3/RE1-Mod-SDK GitHub Wiki

Debug mode enables quick benchmark functions from within the game to test out how a mod can behave in certain situations or to setup a correct environment. In order to activate the debug menu, open config.ini, find the EnableDebug voice under [DLL], change its value to 1 instead of 0, save the file, and boot the game. When you can move around a room, press the button used for access the configuration screen to bring up the menu.

Room jump

Allows to jump in any room in the game. Use the map button to skip a stage.

Utility menu


Not implemented yet.

Test message

Not implemented yet.

Test event

Not implemented yet.


Changes player model id. This can crash the game in some occasions (like some players using weapons they are not supposed to) or will trigger the backup inventory in case you're switching to Ada or Sherry.

Jill sandwich cheat!!


Memory viewer

Not implemented yet.

Light editor

This module allows to test lights in the current room. All changes are discarded as soon as a room reloads.


Base color of entities when they are not affected by a light source.


Light ranges are multiplied with this value. In RE1 this value cannot be changed.

Light attributes


Position in 3D space of a light.


Color of a light.


Lighting mode, either Fall or Omni. Fall uses the range attribute to simulate a fallout effect, omni is more like a global light that ignores range and should affect all entities, no matter where they are.


Spherical range of a light.

Sound test

Not implemented yet.


Allows to change inventory items in possession.

Inventory capacity

Specifies inventory size. This is only for display.

Flag editor

A very bare bone module that allows to set bits in various game flags. Unless you know exactly what each flag does, this module is better left alone.

Quick access


Invokes the option screen, since debug mode overrides the key used to trigger this.


Save anywhere without increasing the save count.

Clear game

Not implemented yet.

Item box

Not implemented yet.