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To run that topology in cluster mode, you have to provide an argument. Otherwise it runs it in local mode. Take a look at the code to see what I mean. So try this:
/opt/apache-storm-0.9.2-incubating/bin/storm jar bicingtopology-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar storm.ebd.bicingTopology demo
#Not all supervisors appear in Storm UI
Some supervisor processes are missing from the Storm UI
List of supervisors in Storm UI changes on refreshes
Make sure the supervisor local dirs are independent (e.g., not sharing a local dir over NFS)
Try deleting the local dirs for the supervisors and restarting the daemons. Supervisors create a unique id for themselves and store it locally. When that id is copied to other nodes, Storm gets confused.
Solved the problem. I read though the error information
Node is expected to serve this storage
and found that when I copy the set up from one server to another, I also copied the local data dir for HDFS (dfs.data.dir). And this created conflicts. Once I clean the all the data inside the local dfs.data.dir, the DataNode started without any issue.