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Description of the Use Case
More and more cities are opening up their data to the world through "Open data" platforms. These data give us a unique opportunity because anyone has them available for analysis at will. Let's take the "Open data" one of the most iconic Spanish cities, Barcelona, with an extensive network of bicycle sharing ("Bicing"). The objective is to develop a process analysis that allows us to provide a report to the city with conclusions.
One of the problems that users face with the existing application is that they offer only the occupancy in a given time. If a user is quering at home from a very popular spot, it can happen that when she arrives to the station she found no bikes.
Aim of this use case is to provide more analytical information to the user with the purpose of giving her an idea of the speed of occupancy rate.
The analysis will be: historical data (e.g. Monday versus previous Monday), pre-calculated prediction (base on historical data, week time frame) and near-real time prediction (1 hour time frame).