Permissions & Ranks - Geilokowski/GeiloUtils GitHub Wiki

Permissions & Ranks

GeiloUtils adds a full Ranks and Permissions system. The first thing you probably want to do is create a rank.

The whole rank and permission system is build on two commands:

  1. /geilorank
  2. /geiloperm


First thing you probably want to do is create a rank. You can do that with /geilorank create <NAME>. Just replace NAME with the name you want to use for that rank.

/geilorank delete

This will delete a rank. You cant undo this command.

The syntax is /geilorank delete <name>. Just replace name with the name of the Rank you want to delete.

/geilorank list and /geilorank info

If you want to check if everything went well or just need some informations about a rank you can always do /geilorank list and /geilorank info <name>. /geilorank list will simply return a list with all the ranks that are available for use. /geilorank info will, if you give it a name return more detailed informations about the fiven rank like player who own it, assigned permissions and so on.

/geilorank addPerm and dedPerm

This will add permissions to your rank. You will have to create those permissions first. Scroll down a little bit in order to learn how to create permissions. With /geilorank addPerm you can add permissions to your rank.

The syntax is the following: /geilorank addPerm <RANK_NAME> <PERMISSION_NAME>. Replace PERMISSION_NAME with the name of your permission and RANK_NAME with the name of the rank. In order to remove a permission again you will have to use /geilorank delPerm.

The syntax is the same as before: /geilorank delPerm <RANK_NAME> <PERMISSION_NAME>. Repalce RANK_NAME with the name of the rank and PERMISSIONS_NAME with the rank of the permission.

This will not delete the permission. It will simply unassign the permission from the rank.

/geilorank addUser and delUser

This is going to assing ranks to users. Use /geilorank addUser to give a user a rank.

Syntax: /geilorank addUser <RANK_NAME> <USERNAME>. Replace USERNAME with the name of the user and RANK_NAME with the name of the rank. If you want to remove a rank from a user you can do that with /geilorank delUser.

Syntax: /geilorank delUser <RANK_NAME> <USERNAME>. Replace USERNAME with the name of the user and RANK_NAME with the name of the rank.

/geiloperm create and delete

Use /geiloperm create to create your own custom permission.

Syntax: /geiloperm create <NAME>. Replace NAME with the name of the permission you want to create. Delete a permission with /geiloperm delete or /geiloperm remove

Syntax: /geiloperm remove <NAME>. Replace NAME with the name of the permission you want to remove.

/geiloperm list

Gives you a list of all the permissions.

Syntax: /geiloperm list

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