Discord Integration - Geilokowski/GeiloUtils GitHub Wiki

Discord Integration

This enables you to sync the Minecraft IGN Chat with the Discord Chat on your server. Discord messages will appear in the IGN chat and IG messages in the Discord chat. There are also a few commands you can execute from Discord. I will not go over on how to create a bot user and add it to your server. I may do that in the future but not now. Please use google for that.

You will need a Bot (and the token for that bot + it has to be on your server). To generate all the config files needed please start your Minecraft instance once and then access Discord.json. WARNING: Turn the server off while editing the files or you will run into problems

I may add more later. It is all pretty self explanatory. I am to lazy to write all that stuff now. Just use !commands in Discord if you set it up and make the IRC and command channel the same on.