2.X.X - GeheimagentNr1/MoreMobGriefingOptions GitHub Wiki

More MobGriefing Options adds, that you can change MobGriefing per entity.
Since Minecraft 1.19.1 the Mod is needed on the server and client side.
For 1.19 and before, the Mod is only needed on the server side, but can also be used on the client side.


Support Supported Minecraft Versions
New Development and Fixes 1.20.4
Bug Fixes 1.19.4
Critical Bug Fixes 1.18.2, 1.20-1.20.2
End of Support up to 1.18.1, 1.19-1.19.3

Server Config

The config file can be found in the "serverconfig" folder in the "world" folder and is named "moremobgriefingoptions-server.toml". The name of the world folder is set for servers in the "server.properties" file and for clients it is the name of the world/save game in the world list, and it can be found in the "saves" folder in the ".minecraft" folder.
For every registered entity, a config option is generated, no matter if the entity cares about the mobGriefing game rule or not.

For each entity you have the options "true", "false" and "default".

  • true: MobGriefing is allowed for the entity
  • false: MobGriefing is disabled for the entity 
  • default: The Minecraft vanilla MobGriefing gamerule is used to allow or disable MobGriefing for the entity


  • /mobgriefing <entity_name>
    Shows on what the MobGriefing option of the entered entity
    entity_name: Name of the entity from list of available entities

  • /mobgriefing <entity_name> <true|false|default>
    Sets the MobGriefing option for the entered entity
    entity_name: Name of the entity from list of available entities
    true|false|default: Allow/Disable MobGriefing or let use the Minecraft vanilla MobGriefing gamerule

Thanks for the logo to Muse31.
You can use this mod in non-commercial modpacks without asking.
You can find more mods from me here.