Usage - GeckoProject/Deobfer GitHub Wiki

How to install

Precompiled (not recommended)

NOTICE: Any precompiled JARs are currently useless as the only way to control I/O jars and mappings files require editing the sources

  1. Find the version you would like on the releases tab (here)
  2. Run the jar with java -jar Deobfer-<version>.jar (command line options will be added soon)

Build from source (recommended)

  1. Ensure you have JDK 8 and Maven installed.
  2. Git clone this repository with git clone
  3. Cd into the cloned folder. cd Deobfer
  4. Run the command mvn package to build the output jar in target/Deobfer-<version>.jar
  5. Use the JAR with java -jar Deobfer-<version>.jar

Customisation (developer instructions)!

Quick note

This section of the docs may become deprecated as I am planning on adding command line options to release builds.

Changing input/output folders

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Edit line #38 in me.geek.tom.deobfer.DeobferMain (this line) and change the paths.
  3. Build by running the maven goal package

Changing input mappings

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Edit line #38 in me.geek.tom.deobfer.DeobferMain (this line)
  3. Build the new JAR by running the maven goal package
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