Playtest 2 - Gearshead19/Underground-Docks GitHub Wiki

Playtest 2

Playtested the second version of my maps grey box, I made iterations based on feedback from the first playtest. Players got to play a 5 player deathmatch for about 10 minutes. After the game, I had my 4 participates fill out a short survey to convey their thoughts on the maps design. Their feedback will help me better the maps design and allow me to find out issues that I wasn't aware of. I've posted some highlights below from my participates feedback. The feedback seemed just as positive as the last playtest's. Players enjoyed themselves and almost all the questions on the survey I provided were very similar. Only issue I got back from players was that the maps "trains" were not working. The issue will be resolved by the final version of the map. Some of the "trains" did work though, gonna have to see why some didn't.

Data Visualization




One thing I'd like to look into is trying to make sure that my "trains" all work before the final version of the map is ready. Another takeaway is adding another health pickup somewhere on the map, got 1 comment about that, and I think I know where I need to place another one.