Lighting - Gearshead19/Underground-Docks GitHub Wiki

Immersion and Theme

With the lighting on the map, I wanted it to convey a dark looking cavern feel.

The screenshot above shows off how the opening in the cavern emits light over the map. I wanted the light coming from the opening to cast shadows over certain parts of the map. Thought it was a good way of having environmental lighting in some way that makes sense.

Guidance and Orientation

The areas where the player can get to are all lit in a way that guides them around the map.

I've placed some torches in key areas that lead the player from one landmark to the next. Since my map takes place underground, I was able to play with the fact that the upper part of the cavern is darker than the lower side where the light from the cavern opening is illuminating at an angle that lights the lower parts of the map.