Grey Box Iteration - Gearshead19/Underground-Docks GitHub Wiki

Grey Box Iterations

Map was adjusted from feedback received during first playtests. I'll highlight three changes made to the map below.

Iteration 1

Some players said they would like to see more verticality on the portside of the map. I decided to add a shipment storage tower. I placed elevators on the first and second floor to allow the players to get to higher view points. The top floor has a Rocket Launcher as well, its a good counter spot to the center ships main deck. During the play test, the center ship seemed to powerful of a spot. So I added another location that could act as a counter to it. The top floor of the storage tower also has another way to enter it. But I'll go over that below. There is also another elevator that gives you a much clearer view of the main deck of the ship but leaves the player wide open during the ride.

(Before image)

(After image)

Iteration 2

Some players during my playtest wanted an easier way to get to the deck of the ship from behind. So I added an emergency ship that acts as an elevator from the water to the top of the ship. I also adjusted the height of the railing for the ship allowing players abroad it to be able to shoot without having to jump.

(Before image)

(After image)

Iteration 3

I added more verticality to the portside of the map by adding an elevator on the right side that takes you up to an upper portside. The player can find a nail gun up here as well as another path to the top floor of the storage tower. The player can also use the environment as cover to see over to the ship.

(Before image)

(After image)