Meeting minutes 2019 08 09 - Geant-RnD/ExascaleProxyDocuments GitHub Wiki
Attendees: Philippe, Seth, Paolo, Yunsong, Jonathan.
Philippe: LBNL still needs one more document to finalized the paperwork.
Paolo: Currently in Boston for annual ATLAS meeting. Joe B and Marilena would be interested in helping/joining. One of the priority for ATLAS is to have Geant working on GPUs Exascale machine.
Paolo: Cycles of meetings with HPC labs (in September @ NERSC). One of the topic of discussion should be this project. Oak Ridge is sending a large delegation and may be persuaded to help (Jack). It is the same week at the Geant4 collaboration meeting.
Seth: I will be interested in attending.
Philippe: I will be interested in attending at least remotely.
Seth: We have hired the Postdoc (Stefano). He seems like a bright young fellow and a very good match for the project and Oak Ridge. Start data middle or end of September.
Seth: Being working on a tangential project for SHIFT, we refactoring the transport algorithm. As I was thinking on how to adapting, I was keeping an eye on how to apply the same technique to GeantX and borrowing from some the ideas discussed within GeantX. Would return to GeantX In the next couple of week most likely.
Philippe: We should have the next Hackathon shortly after Stefano joins.
Jonathan: nothing new, got side tracked. One Geant related improvement is the incorporation of roofline analysis in TiMemory. Would return to GeantX In the next couple of week most likely.
Yunsong: Before the roofline, I attend a seminar with KitWare; Offer of help in improvement cmake build scripts, in particular adding connection to Kokhos and other ECP projects.
Yunsong: I have preliminary roofline analysis result. I will shared the document soon.
Guilherme: I reached the ability to load the Geometry on the GPU and next I will be doing some navigation testing. I see some problem. I will check on the VecGeom side where the problems are.
Philippe: We will be making a presentation to the Geant4 collaboration meeting. The session is Thursday September 26, morning around 9-10:30 ET.