Meeting minutes 2019 05 10 - Geant-RnD/ExascaleProxyDocuments GitHub Wiki

Attendees: Philippe, Seth, Yunsong, Jonathan.

Seth: Getting back on board. Planning on filing out the Accessor and Modifiers and State for track. No news on the candidate :(

Guilherme: I understood how to use the docker image (in particular the pre-installed VecCore, VecGeom) and I am now working on incorporating a TestEM3 like example into the pilot repository. I will need some able getting the CMakeList.txt for the test correct.

Yunsong: I got the GeantV docker completely working. The plan is to get a roofline analysis of GeantV.

Guilherme: We have 3 docker images (Geant4, GeantV and GeantX), are we planning on on synchronizing the underlying libraries across all 3?

Jonathan: We can by making sure that when we update one of the image we also update the other 2.

Guilherme: What is the base image?

Jonathan: The base is one the OS one?

Guilherme: Having a common base would make it easier to synchronize them.

Jonathan: we could have a base with Cuda, VecCore, VecMath and VecGeom.

Philippe: We are meeting on Tuesday at 9am-ish Wilson Hall 1E.