Conceptual Design - Gdiv-exploration/Repo_PHR_15 GitHub Wiki

Phase2:Conceptual design

List of identified functions

  1. Read the bar code of medicine
  2. Recognize the rack
  3. Sense the medicine
  4. Pick the medicine
  5. Display the cost of medicine

2.1 Use case diagrams

2.1 List the associated with each of the functions as indicated in the use case diagram

1. Receives the data
2. Moves to the respective rack
3. Pick the medicine
1. Read the bar code
2. verify weather right or wrong medicine
3. verify the cost
1. Display the cost

2.2 List the inputs ,outputs of the system and represents black box model

Inputs Outputs
1.Electricity 1.Fectching Medicine
2.Data 2.Display the cost

2.3 Write the glass box representation of the system in terms of functional blocks (represent the material,energy and the data interactions with different colours)

Function 1
The device has to accept the input barcode and analyse the medicine using the sensor.Read the barcode and choose correct medicine amongst all
Function 2
After choosing the correct medicine pick the medicine from the rack using robotic arm and place it on the collection place provided
Function 3
Then the device with the help of wheels moves on the track towards the billing section

Task 2.4:Complete the morphological chart by exploring the others alternative means of achieving the functions

Function Mean1 Mean2 Mean3 Mean4
1.Selection Key board Voice command System Touch screen
2.Movement On the fixed track Chain mechanism Through handle rod in a fixed place On wheels
3.Detection Number system Bar code reader QR scanner Light sensor
4.Medicine fetching Robotic arm FAMA drawn Electromagnetic system Hook system

Task 2.5.Ideate the solutions for the defined problem definations.

Concept 1.

Concept 2.

Concept 3.

Concept 4.

Task 2.6.Concept selection.

2.6.1 Assign weightage to each of the objectives.

Objectives Weightage
Safety 9
Affordable 8
Portable 7
User friendly 5
Cost 6

2.6.2. PUGH Chart.

Objectives Design Idea 1 Design Idea 2 Design Idea 3 Design Idea 4
Safe - Datum - -
Affordable -- Datum - +
Portable - Datum -- --
User friendly + Datum + -
Cost - Datum - ++
**+Score +5 Datum +5 +20
**-Score -38 Datum -14 -28
Total -33 Datum -3 -8
The best concept selected is Design Concept 2