ED1 - Gdiv-exploration/REP-RFM-9 GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the group-9 wiki! Need Statement-- People with special needs or divyangs need assistance for their day to day activities like eating , buttoning the shirt ,combing, wearing shoes ,drinking. Design away to help such people to carry out their day to day activities without assistance of another person.
Obtain the information through basic survey and customer interaction and arrive at requirements
1.1 Identify client’s objectives
Step 1: Prepare a list of design objectives
1.2 Prioritize the identified design objectives
Priority among various objectives is set through a technique called Pair-wise Comparison Chart (PCC)
Rank the objectives in order of decreasing value of importance and the list is
1.The machine must be safe to handle.
2.The machine must be affordable.
3.The machine must be efficient .
4.The robotic arm should have firm and stable base .
Based on the information gathered through interaction with client, initial survey and completing phase 1.1 the problem definition is formulated as follows 1.3 Establish functions 1.The machine must sense the user. 2.The machine must rotate 360degree. 3.The machine must feed the user.