Community: Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE) - Gbaugh/Project-04 GitHub Wiki
The OpenHIE community of practice formed in early 2013, evolving from the work that initially began in 2009 to establish the Rwandan Health Information Exchange (RHIE). As the benefits of the approach adopted in Rwanda became apparent, interest gathered from other countries looking to apply similar architectural tactics within their environments. Today, OpenHIE’s approaches, reference technologies, and community processes are being leveraged or explored in multiple countries.
Mission: Our mission is to improve the health of the underserved through the open, collaborative development and support of country driven, large scale health information sharing architectures.
Vision: We envision a world where all countries are empowered to pragmatically implement sustainable health information sharing architectures that measurably improve health outcomes.
Values: We are open, honest, and actively transparent in both our processes and our development. We believe in the power of community, as the best ideas come from people with different backgrounds and talents We believe that creating a safe place to raise concerns, discuss failures, improve existing ideas, and solve problems allows us to harness the collective wisdom of our community. We participate in developing open health information standards, and work to make them useful within resource-constrained environments. We believe it’s important to publicly document and share our knowledge, skills, experiences, and failures. We respond to specific country and stakeholder demands, not our imagination. We design highly adaptable processes and technologies to work in the most challenging environments.