Further development - Gazwilde/Weather-Playlist GitHub Wiki
Weather-Playlist currently works off three parameters,temperature, humidity and wind speed. Each use a scoring system which matches with a given song to give the most appropriate song for the weather. If there were more parameters, then there could be more accurate song choices based on the point scoring system.
A larger data base of songs would hugely improve the Weather-List. This would also make it easier to work with the parameters.
Both Climatune and Songza were trying to achieve similar objectives. Weather-Playlist has the potential to expand on what Climatune has successfully achieved. Climatune only allows the user to pick playlists according to what others listen to in set weather conditions. Climatune is aimed at individual users. Weather-Playlist could be used on a more corporate scale. By creating its own site specific weather station songs selection could be more accurate. Climitune uses nearest weather station reports from Accuweather (accuweather 2017). Although this can mostly give an approximate reading, it is not unusual for the weather to be different for a set location, from that of the nearest weather station. If Weather-Playlist were used in a chain of hotels, for example, each hotel could have its own weather station to give a more accurate reading. Grohols (2017)research, suggests sunny weather amplifies mood and encourages spending. Rolling Weather-Playlist out in chain hotels could see potential increase in revenue based on this. Further research could identify a potential link between the Weather-Playlist and customer spending.