Related research - Gazwilde/The-Air-Guitar GitHub Wiki
Other forms of air guitar
The Virtual Air Guitar was first conceived in 2002, headed by Professor Tapio Tikal and was an EU funded project. It had six partners that included Milano Polytechnic University, the Acoustics Laboratory and Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory of the Helsinki University of Technology, Erlangen-Nürnberg University, and the Generalmusic company. Linux based, they developed a camera tracking system as well as synthesis software to emulate the sound of a guitar. There system uses one camera to track both hands.
The Virtual Air Guitar tracks using colour, two orange gloves. As the camera picks up the colour of the two gloves it works out the distance between both colours to give a virtual fret position (Virtual air guitar2005).
Currently the Virtual Air Guitar makes motion games and applications for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Android (Virtual air guitar2005).