How to guide - Gazwilde/The-Air-Guitar GitHub Wiki

To build the Ultimate Air Guitar Download the Max MSP software. There are four options available as of the publishing date of this Wiki.

  • Free Trail
  • Permanent Licence $399
  • Annual licence $99 per year
  • Monthly $9.99 per month

Once the software is installed, download the Max MSP patch Ultimate Guitar and plug in both USB Web cameras. when the patch has opened go to the left Camera tracking screen and click the toggle box. This should result in an X appearing in the box and the camera turning on.

Next go to sub patch Labelled P Camera Tracking, under the toggle.

Open up the patch and go to the camera selection umenu. select the camera you wish to use from the drop down menu.

The next step is the set the colour swatch. Place the coloured glove on your and and point it at the camera, then using the colour swatch in the same P camera tracking sub patch click the video screen where you see the glove. This will set the swatch to the correct colour for tracking.

Come out of the L P camera tracking sub patch, go to the right hand side camera tracking screen and repeat the process.

Go to note out at the bottom centre of the screen and set to IAC driver Bus 1. Open Logic or you chosen DAW, create an instrument track, insert the desired instrument plug in ensuring that the input is set to ICA driver Bus 1.

Place the cameras 46cm apart and position yourself 40cm away from them in the centre. Make sure the cameras are facing forward and not pointing at you.

Move cameras into position and start to move your hands as if playing the guitar. as you do this you should be able to see the Bangs showing for each hand registering as you move your hands. This will then produce sound from your chosen DAW

The two bangs ether side of the note out change the note patch from chords to solo mode.