9.1.1.. Other - Gazwilde/EQ-Software-For-Mixing-Audio GitHub Wiki

Project notes Picture of Software workflow


Skype calls sk an

sk m Tests Start with tests What types of hearing tests can I do? Different parameters, why did I choose that type of test. Ie cost, location Show awareness of other tests How many people? Conference papers on how many people to test.

Pre test 6/ 8 people to see if a bigger test may be funded If literature suggest you may be able to get good refund

Pre test are good to establish if a big test is required

Scale the findings (this finding suggest that….)

After collected data it may change research question.

Implementation of plugins Identify different DAW what type of plug in vst AU , PD MAX PD camomile code wrapper to AU VST

Writing in C templates available MAX filter graph.

More testing and evaluation, does it do what intended? Paper to read Andrew brown, Observe workflow before and after Blind study, make a plug in that didn’t do anything Put the plug in the daw random Video capture to see if they are working faster, better mix Don’t use lots of people for video, be suggestive Has advantage over questionnaire
Specific tests, give people the same mix with and without plug in. Look at instrument separation, use spectrum analyser Can be tricky to replicate real word workflow

Do mix of there own choice

Ask them to do there own mix then do questionnaire People not good at scribing things Can do combinations Can put given more time the valuation can be extended

Below show the patch in MAX 7

The EQ software for mixing audio was created in Max 7 software. The XLS files showing both amplitude and frequency are loaded in to the software.

Max 7

The screen shot below, show the input stage of the Max patch. The readings taken from the hearing test are saved as a .CSV file. The CSV file has to be changed into a .TXT file so the Max patch can read it.The metro allows the patch to read all the information automatically. the Information for both frequency range and Amplitude are then sent to two corresponding gates.


Picture showing the Gates for Amplitude and Frequency


The Amplitude and Frequency information is then sent to different sub patches. The sub patches correspond to the different frequency points on the EQ. This can bee seen on the EQ display.

eq points

Finally the patch leaves Max Via an ADC into the DAW by the use of Soundflower


Correspondence from volunteers Below Shows some correspondence with the volunteers. Its a selection of screen shots taken from emails.

Studio Set up of one of the volunteers

studio of one volunteer

Questions for volunteers

q and a

k 2

k 1





Notes from second volunteer
