5. Chosen Hearing Test Software - Gazwilde/EQ-Software-For-Mixing-Audio GitHub Wiki


Pure Tone was deemed most suitable as this test gives frequencies that the individual can not hear. Pure tone testing of single frequencies are used test air and bone conduction (Saunders. A, Stein. A, Shuster. N 1990). The tests use hardware in the form of an audiometer and software to record the data. The person being tested is fitted with headphones, and a hand held device, (usually in the form of a press button) and ideally placed in a sound proof booth. The operator then plays a sine wave tone at different frequencies and amplitudes. Once the person being tested hears a frequency they press the device. The software logs at what dB HL they hear the tone. This procedure is then repeated with different tones. This type of test works well for assessing if there is loss at certain frequencies.

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