3. Variables That Affect The Process Of Mixing Audio - Gazwilde/EQ-Software-For-Mixing-Audio GitHub Wiki
When listing to music through various headphones, speakers in different spaces what the individual listener hears can vary. This is due to different speaker and headphone design and the colorations of the sound from room acoustics. Different sets of speakers and headphones have their own frequency response created from their design.
Listening Environment
The listening environment varied for the each of the participants. The different listening environments was not of detriment to the research because each mix is based on their own environment and not relevant as it is how their initial result vs their end result.
Two participants listening environments were rooms that had been acoustically treated. Both had corner bass traps with broadband absorption above, behind and to the sides of the listening position.
One participant was working out of their garage. The garage contained a work area for mixing. This consisted of a computer table, but no acoustic treatment was present. In addition to this, the rest of the garage was occupied with the everyday items you would normally associate with a household garage such as bikes, tins of paint and gardening equipment (no vehicle was present within the garage space).
Two participants worked out of bedrooms. In both instances workspaces were situated in alcoves with speakers placed in corners.
Participants Background
All the participants were acquaintances of the author, contacted and chosen based on the inclusion criteria set out by the author. Their informed choice based on the ethical considerations to the research were also factors contributing to the choices. All participants play at least one an instrument and have different levels of expertise with mixing audio. All had no previous knowledge about the research. They were all briefed about how and where the test would take place and purpose of the research. On the day of each individual test, each volunteer was given a question air to complete. The questions set were to ascertain if the hearing tests would be authentic.
Age Gender Do you play an instrument yes/no If yes what instruments do you play How many years have you been playing your instrument? Do you play live? If yes how many times a month on average? Do you suffer from tinnitus after a live performance? Do you use ear protection when performing live? Do you suffer from tinnitus any other time? How long have you been mixing audio? How may mixes do you complete a week? Would you describe yourself as an armature, or professional? Have you been to watch or played live in the past few days Have you listened to music louder than average conversation level in the last few days? On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not tired at all and 10 being very tired. How tired do you feel? Have you recently had an hearing test? If so what was the results? Do you/ have you suffered from hearing loss?