ACLNotes - GazeboHub/ghub-meta GitHub Wiki

Initialization Files in ACL

When starting up, Allegro CL may read a number of optional init files. Further documentation about init file handling in ACL 9.0 is avaialble at This discussion will refer to ~/

For an explanation of how the tilde "~" character is processed, on non-Unix hosts, refer to ACL documentation

Installing Quicklisp

Instructions about installing QuickLisp are available at

This example will use an installation of QuickLisp previously installed by the user. In this instance, the user may simply append the following text to ~/, adjusting the pathname "system/lisp/quicklisp/setup.lisp" as may be appropriate for the user's QuickLisp installation.

(let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "system/lisp/quicklisp/setup.lisp"
  (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
    (load quicklisp-init)))