Onboarding Users With MyEtherWallet - GazeCoin/SomeDocs GitHub Wiki

Status: Work in progress

The upcoming GazeCoin crowdsale contract will accept contributions in ethers (ETH) from participants and will generate GazeCoin (GZE) tokens assigned to the participant’s ETH account.

There are people from the VR industry (and other non-crypto users) who want to participate in the GazeCoin crowdsale, but will be contributing to the crowdsale in currencies other than ETH.

GazeCoin will be able to accept contributions in fiat or other cryptocurrencies, but this will be a manual process handled by GazeCoin or a broker appointed by GazeCoin.

One of the important aspects of this non-ETH contributions is that the participant must be able to operate an Ethereum address that will receive the GZE tokens generated in the GazeCoin crowdsale. The easiest way for participants to operate an Ethereum account is using MyEtherWallet (MEW) from https://www.myetherwallet.com/ .

This article will go through the steps of creating an Ethereum account using MEW and providing methods for the user to verify that they can operate the account.

Creating An Ethereum Account Using MyEtherWallet

Navigate to https://www.myetherwallet.com/.

Bookmark this link in your web browser as there are phishers that create websites with similar names in an attempt to steal your funds.

Create New Wallet

You will be presented with the page to Create New Wallet:

Enter a password to encrypt your Ethereum account keystore file, and click on the Create New Wallet button. Remember to save your password in a safe location.

In this example, the password “thisisatestpassword” will be used.

Download Keystore File

You will then be presented with a screen to Download Keystore File (UTC / JSON) onto your computer.

Download the Keystore File (UTC / JSON) onto your computer. Make sure you save a backup of this file in a safe place, along with the password you used to encrypt your Ethereum account keystore file.

Note that anyone who gets access to your JSON / UTC and the password, or the private key, will have access to move ethers or tokens from your account.

The keystore file I created has the name UTC--2017-11-13T16-43-25.813Z--b3a429c01a40d4a3aa59515eb6f8fdd3c545efea and has the following content:

$ python -m json.tool UTC--2017-11-13T16-43-25.813Z--b3a429c01a40d4a3aa59515eb6f8fdd3c545efea 
    "Crypto": {
        "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
        "cipherparams": {
            "iv": "961844f6738776e46cc0ca6bcd3276d4"
        "ciphertext": "d7c1369b49f9a56521a4d2696894c5192f51e0871f4703487dd4da6d2fb7ddca",
        "kdf": "scrypt",
        "kdfparams": {
            "dklen": 32,
            "n": 1024,
            "p": 1,
            "r": 8,
            "salt": "bed4ac098cb641ccaf43bb46243a4f0e781f57c7419801de8a3135b025258389"
        "mac": "0af10d9b489a2f2a4253fda494ea29a9092adb6360c672ebef67c6d5450b6aa3"
    "address": "b3a429c01a40d4a3aa59515eb6f8fdd3c545efea",
    "id": "325a4398-f4c8-4b20-9ad3-f1d7324d6d93",
    "version": 3

Click on I understand. Continue..

Save Private Key

In my case, the private key cb8036a60e895c22d200f95d6e995fc482b5c28f57686486c9d78a8336788cb5 was generated.

Print Paper Wallet

You can click on Print Paper Wallet to print your private key.

Note that some printers will save the pages they print onto the printer hard disk, and this may be recoverable by anyone with access to the hard disk. These type of printers are normally used in large companies on the networked laser printers.

You will be able to access your account using the Keystore File (UTC / JSON) with the password and/or your private key. Save either or all this information in a secure location.

Click on Save Your Address. -> and you will be presented with the following screen:

Unlock Wallet

Unlock Wallet Using Keystore File

You can unlock your wallet using the downloaded UTC / JSON keystore file and your password:

Unlock Wallet Using Private Key

Or you can unlock your wallet using your saved private key:

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