Tech Knights::Scoring Application - GayathreeIyer/Hackathon--TechKnights_ScoringApp GitHub Wiki
##Scoring Application
##Team: Tech-Knights
##Members: Aishvwarya Iyer; Gayathree Iyer; Sruthi Gelivi; Pranathi Gopidi
##Judge needs to register by providing first name, last name, company name, password and confirm password.
##There will be a alert message in case of Invalid EmailID.
##Judge needs to login by entering email ID and password.
##Judge can view the team list upon clicking on 'View Team Details'.
##Score Page-Part1
##Score Page-Part2
##Allocating Scores to Team
##Home Page with Team Details- Scores and comments
##Disqualify Team
##Team Disqualified by Judge
##Update Scores of a Team
##Updated Scores of that team is visible upon clicking on 'View Team Details'.
##Final Result using Google Chart API- Bar Chart.
##After admin login, Admin will be redirected to the following page.
##Admin adds a new team- 'Zeristos'.
##New Team Added by Admin can be viewed upon clicking on 'View Team Details'.
##Delete Team by Admin by entering Team ID.
##Zeristos Team Deleted.
##Admin can view Final Result.