Downloading Minecraft - GawdScape/GawdScapeLauncher GitHub Wiki

Downloading Minecraft & GawdScape

Download Screen

The GawdScape Launcher features a multi-threaded downloader that will use (# of cores your processor has) threads. For example, I have an AMD 8-core processor so I will download with 8 threads. The data shown on the download screen may be a bit inaccurate but it's better then nothing. I plan to enhance that at some point but it serves it's purpose for now.

*Note: A note on downloading, to consume less time, the downloader does not validate files. Therefore it is possible for a file not to download correctly. In that case open the options menu and Force an Update. When updating the downloader will validate all the existing files and download the necessary ones.

Removing META-INF The downloader will also removing the META-INF folder from the minecraft.jar. Since it also download the GawdScape Mod, like any other Minecraft mod you'll need to remove the META-INF folder. Since this is already done, you can play with ease and add your own mods too.

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