Features - GavriYashar/Matlab-Editor-Plugin GitHub Wiki

Default Keyboard Shortcuts

Customizing Shortcuts

To customize shortcuts you've to manually edit your custom .properties file. Given MEP-Shortcuts should not interfere with Matlab's internal shortcuts. An exemption may be CTRL+C. Once changed you've to restart Matlab. Be reminded that I don't verify properties yet (#14). For a complete list of Keyboard Constants follow this link: docs KeyEvent

Duplicate or Remove current line

to duplicate current line press CTRL + SHIFT + D, and to remove current line press CTRL + SHIFT + Y duplicate delete line

Moving current lines up or down

to move down press ALT + SHIFT + ARROW DOWN, and to move up press ALT + SHIFT + ARROW UP lines up down

Navigation History

Every click, every editor opened will be added to a stack. If you have a 5-Button Mouse you can use the forward and backward button to move through your navigation history. On default 50 locations will be stored. Be reminded that Matlab is awkwardly selecting the line with forward/backward button. It just looks weird and does not affect navigating.

Execute current lines

with SHIFT + F9 you can execute the line(s) the cursor is currently on w/o selecting the whole line. e.g.; (| == cursor)

% My Script
a = 1; |

if you press F9 nothing would happen, with SHIFT + F9 it would select a = 1; and execute the selection. lines up down

Auto Detail Viewer / Switch Current Folder

Switching editor tabs will update current folder and detail viewer. This behaviour can be directly changed in the detail viewer bar. Use dvA to toggle detail viewer and gfA to toggle follow cuurent editor. AutDetailViewer


Compares two Variables in Workspace (inspired by VarDiff by Mikhail)

vardiff_context vardiff_comp

File Structure

Opened via CTRL + F12, showing either sections or functions, pressing CTRL + R toggles regex search. DOUBLE LMB or ENTER will jump to that line and will close the window. ESC will exit without jumping to any line. It'll also display documentation lines of currently selected function. Three icon sets are available (Matlab, IntelliJ, Eclipse) to display properties of functions. File Structure currently only supports "+Classes", "@Classes" are currently handled as functions.


Clipboard Stack

Every CTRL + C while in Matlab's editor will be stored in the Clipboard stack. This way up to 10 copied texts can be stored. Pressing CTRL + SHIFT + V willopen up the window. UP or DOWN will select desired string to insert pressing ENTER or performing a DOUBLE LMB will insert and close the window on currently selected place (line and column in Matlab's editor). ESC will exit without inserting anything to Matlab's editor.



  • The Preference Dialog is ... bad... for now use any text editor and edit .properties directly
  • MEP is on static path:
    • Preferences can changed in Matlab's default preference window
  • MEP is on dynamic path:
    • execute: at.mep.Start.openPrefsPanel(); or p = at.mep.prefs.PrefsWindow.getInstance(); p.showDialog();
    • or change properties with any text editor



Every Bookmark added will be stored in the BookmarksViewer. CTRL + SHIFT + F2 will open BookmarksViewer. ESC will exit the window. Bookmarks are stored and will be restored if an Editor or Matlab has been closed and opened again. BookmarksViewer

  • MAKE SURE that you've removed Matlab's shortcut for Bookmarks (preferences>Matlab>Keyboard>Shortcut>Set/Clear Bookmark), and set desired shortcut in .properties file


Editing matlab source code outside of matlab (e.g. notepad, or any version control system like git) will not update bookmarks and might render them useless.

Recently closed editor

With CTRL + SHIFT + T you can access the recently closed editors to reopen them. RecentlyClosed

Dockable Windows

Windows are dockable if feature.enableDockableWindows is set to true (Properties) DockableWindows DockableWindows

Custom key-release functions

follow this link: Custom key-release

Local History

opens up local history viewer. On default Matlab's difference viewer is used. File changes are being stored on CTRL + S. To setup click here

Live Templates

Follow this link

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