Overview - Gauge/CraftingGame_MiniGame GitHub Wiki

Most games in that incorporate crafting do it as an after thought. Most games based around "Crafting" are sandbox games that focus on building. Sandbox games use crafting as a way to draw out the game sessions. Instead of promoting a sense of excitement, it become a mindless chore forced on players before achieving the real goal. [The Crafting Game] is my attempt to create an engaging system that will require: real world knowledge, various types of skill, and a touch of luck to spice things up.

How does crafting work? Here are the basics.

Blueprints, Categories and Classes

To Craft anything in [The Crafting Game] a user must first select the Category and Class they want to make. The Category defines how the item can be equipped. The Class defines the appearance, stat bounds, and allows developers to apply special perks.

Category Class
Head Half Helm
Head Full Helm
Head Ringlet
Hand Dagger
Hand Broadsword
Hand Bastard Sword

Blueprints can be constructed from any material


Do to the scope of this project i am limiting the materials to only metal