Moderation - GatlenCulp/PVSG-Government GitHub Wiki

Purpose of Moderation

The goal of the Moderator is similar to that of a policeman or a politician. A moderator represents what students want, and upholds the Constitution of PVSG. Additionally, a moderator manages spam and manages new users when they join PVSG.



The MEGAMOD role is only for class administrators. MEGAMODs have administration permissions in PVSG. The future users of the PVSG will help decide who will get this role for their class.


  • 75% of users' decision, with at least 30% of people online to decide




MODs exist to control spam, edit nicknames, and manage roles. MODs may kick users if necessary. MODs have mostly all permissions. However, MODs are not Administrators.

Impeachment (as a result of...)

  • Abuse of power (including individual harassment)
  • Creation of unnecessary public channels
  • Changing nicknames outside of a user's actual name for a prolonged amount of time
  • A 66% agreement to remove a MOD


  • None

MOD Elections (see Rules #1, #5)

MOD elections will take place at the beginning of each school year and during winter break. Most students are able to campaign for MOD positions, and current MODs must reapply in order to remain in office. MODs can refuse your request to become a MOD during MOD elections.

MEGAMOD Elections

MEGAMOD elections occur after every MOD election when there are multiple MODs in a grade, or when a current MEGAMOD retires as a MOD. The STUDENTS each get one vote to decide who will become a MEGAMOD.


  • MOD: The MOD numbers are determined by a new (as of 8/14/20) algorithm, which considers the whole PVSG population.
  • MEGAMOD: There should be a MEGAMOD in every grade which has two or more MODs.