Constitution of PVSG - GatlenCulp/PVSG-Government GitHub Wiki

We the People of PVSG, in Order to form a more perfect Union... blah blah blah

PVSupportGroup was created to benefit all of the students at Pine View both academically, and socially, by establishing a community where they are provided access to school resources and help. PVSupportGroup is not only a social server, but an academic server as well, and must be treated as such.

This is the most prevalent underlying mission behind PVSG. This wiki was created to maintain order and deter unnecessary arguments over what should and shouldn't happen.

Moderation Rules

  • Rule 1: There should be 1 MEGAMOD per grade and 1 MOD per every 25 people per grade. MOD elections will take place at the beginning of each school year and during winter break. Any student is able to campaign for a MOD position, and current MODs must reapply in order to remain in office. MEGAMOD elections will be discussed later in the constitution.
  • Rule 2: PVSupportGroup is not a democracy and the MODs are entitled to their own decisions. If MEGAMODs decide something in relation to the server, their decision is law.
  • Rule 3: Do not ask for MOD, or other roles, unless you have proof that you are entitled to them but did not receive them. Don't beg, ask nicely.
  • Rule 4: MEGAMODs have executive order permissions and can remove a MOD without explicit permission.
  • Rule 5: MODs can refuse your request to become a MOD during MOD elections.
  • Rule 6: MODs can decide anything which is necessary and proper to execute any power vested in them by this Constitution or the government of PVSG.

Other Rules

  • Rule 7: The primary service of this server is for academic purposes.
  • Rule 8: As of August 2019, the entire Constitution of PVSG will serve as a guide, rather than rules.