Academic Dishonesty - GatlenCulp/PVSG-Government GitHub Wiki

As PVSG continues to grow, it is necessary to maintain a good reputation and not become an academically dishonest server. With that being said, there are varying levels of cheating.

According to PV's 2019-2020 academic Honor Code, WITNESSING academic dishonesty without adequately reporting it to the administration IS ACADEMIC DISHONESTY ITSELF.



Academic dishonesty in relation to homework include sending answers to homework that another student did not already attempt to answer, as well as asking for answers to homework without attempting to answer them. However, sending information about homework (including templates) to those who do not have it does not count as academic dishonesty. As always, MODs and MEGAMODs have the final say on whether a specific case is academic dishonesty.


  • Any case: immediate contact with teacher
  • 1st case in a week: 24h Mute
  • 2nd case within the week: Kick
  • 3rd case within the week: Ban

Note: Academic dishonesty is not taken lightly, and action must be taken no matter the circumstances.


You ARE allowed to share:

  • Test/quiz difficulty (whether or not it was easy)
  • What you need to study Neither of these scenarios reveal actual test content and are thus not considered academic dishonesty.

You ARE NOT allowed to share:

  • Any specific questions or answers


  • 1st case: Kick
  • 2nd case: Ban


Is there academic dishonesty? Think about whether or not your teacher would approve of the information being shared. If necessary, talk to them.