User Testing Results: Annotations Scenario - GatechVIP/no-code GitHub Wiki

Fourth Prototype (Vishu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Toolbar in corner- what does it do?
    • What is the W?
  • Who has access to add or delete users apart form the admin? *Interface is simple for the pop-up
  • Sources is a really nice touch especially for college students
    • Hard to differentiate links from text files on prototype
    • May need to consider a tutorial
    • Uploading documents?
    • Can you add a folder setting to categorize sources?
    • Why can’t you just copy paste the text into the doc and then delete it later?
    • Text box for sources is distracting when it pops up- will other users see it when it pops up?
  • What will users see and not see of other people’s work?
  • Turn off cursors of other users- can get distracting when working on the document
  • Why would you want to add/delete the versions?
    • +/- signs seemed confusing to 2 people- maybe not as intuitive as we thought
  • What is the square near participants box?
  • Coloring of text for different user is good
    • Should be able to turn in off in case maybe the document that is being editing requires you to put different things in color
  • Commenting on other comments? – Maybe to expand on some else’s point
    • Left side pane- can it be sort of in toolbar format where it can be removed? Don’t need it while editing and can expand main doc size
    • The audio comment is a really nice touch-1 user
  • 2 users- why audio comments?
  • Images may help but not sure why you’d need other things in comments. Can just include them in sources

Fifth Prototype (Richard) -------------------------------------------------

  • The animated powerpoint explains how things work nicely.
  • The menu bar looks better than the other one. Some of the bars can be simplified. They noticed that it was copied directly from office 2010. Simplify them. They never use equation, symbol, word art, etc in insert menu. Don’t use the edit menu at all (don’t use spell check either), Drawing menu ok. How does the view menu work. What happens to the widgets on the side if you go to full screen reading mode. Where are the options to save, print (basically where is the drop down file menu)
  • Collapsing toolbars is good.
  • Seeing everybody’s mouse cursor is distracting. Get rid of it.
  • Seeing the text based on user color is distracting. What if one if the user colors is yellow, or light grey. Can you change the color of the text (on the colored text?) It should just be black. Sources widget: does the sources widget get bigger and bigger the more sources do you add (or does a scrollbar appear). Should order the sources in alphabetical (or whatever MLA does it). Should you account for other formatting styles, besides MLA
  • Comment: Can you make comments in general?
  • Comment: need a place to see all comments at a glance.
  • Comment: No private comments: you should have your own personal notebook to put private comments. Why do you need private comments anyway? If this is a group project, everybody should see your thoughts.
  • Comments: No sub comments or comment menus. Too complicated. Just copy and paste whatever you want in a comment (including youtube videos)
  • Comments: some comment boxes can get pretty big. What if there are a bunch of big comments near each other. *Can you adjust the size of a comment.
  • Grading view: looks really nice and simple. Maybe the edit view should look like this. General Comments: missing chat feature. Missing issue feature (you should be able to raise issues to the group)

Merged Prototype (Richard)-------------------------------------------------

  • Comment View: What does the home button view. (then I explained the ribbon, how we are copying microsoft office). If you are commenting and not editing, don’t need the ribbon, don’t need the top menu bar. You should be focused on the paper.
  • Comment Box: They were confused by the comment box, and the in text comments Is there a difference? Why is there a comment box on the right side of the screen. What does that do? (then I said it was for general comments.
  • Edit View: What do the plus and minus buttons do. (I explained how to add sources and users using the popup menus). It should be one button, or no button (just double click the widget itself.
  • Edit View: Does the chat widget have real time chat? Needs real time chat.
  • Edit View: Either move the top menu bar somewhere else, or just get rid of it. Lots of space on the right side of the bar, maybe you can squeeze some more functions on the right.
  • Edit: Versioning, can you restore a version by clicking on the versioning widget?
  • Edit: Private and public comments is interesting. There should be a button to quickly see all the comments at a glance, viewing either the public comments all at once, or the private comments all at once.
  • Edit: What if there are lots of comments near each other. Where will they show up. What if they bunch up all at one place, kinda hard to manage
  • Edit: Source widget is nice idea.
  • Read only view: Get rid of participants widget. Get rid of everything but the document. Toggle Comments on and off. Is there a difference between read only view and comment view? Is comment view grading view?