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SWAPR provisioning

Current Maintainer: Brad Reardon <[email protected]>

Repository explanation

This repository contains the Docker Compose and Stack files for SWAPR that are needed to provision a development environment or deploy to production.

Notable files

  • docker-compose.yaml: The base service configuration for our whole stack. Defines three services: db, backend, www. Service configuration in this file, when possible, should only be for configuration values that do not differ from environment to environment.
  • docker-compose.override.yaml: Development overrides for the base Docker Compose file. Automatically imported by Docker when running locally.
  • docker-compose.test.yaml: Defines the Docker environment for running our test suite with a fresh start every time.
  • docker-compose.production.yaml: Production definitions for our stack.

Getting started

Check out the Quickstart guide for setting up your development environment.


Contributing to the provisioning repository of SWAPR helps our overall ability to deliver a stable application, as well as iterate on our in infrastructure to make sure that reponse times, database query times, and other development operations go smoothly and quickly while maximizing security and optimizing performance.

If you're interested in helping maintain this repository, please contact the repository maintainer above, and they should be able to give you a more technical walk through of the infrastructure than these docs can provide.

In addition, you can check out the Backlog of improvements to be made to the stack and documentation, if you want to contribute.