Reality Capture - GastonBC/adeskForgeWrapper GitHub Wiki

Guides for afw's Reality Capture (ReCap) module - afw.RealityCapture

First thing you have to do is get a token and create your photoscene

cli = afw.client.Client(forgeCliId, forgeCliSec, B360AccId, B360AccName)
token = afw.client.Token.get2LeggedToken("data:write", cli)

# Set up parameters with the Options class
ops = afw.RealityCapture.Options.PhotosceneCreationOptions("afwScene", "rcm", "object")

# Create the scene
scene = afw.RealityCapture.Photoscene.create(token, ops)

Upload photos

You need to provide a list of directories, here we choose the photos from tkinter file dialog

from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter import filedialog

root = Tk()

# Choose the files
files = filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes = (("jpeg files","*.jpg"),("all files","*.*")))

# Get the scene
sceneId = "SCENE_ID"
scene = afw.RealityCapture.Photoscene.psById(sceneId)

scene.uploadFiles(token, files)

After uploading, start processing


Get a process status update


After it's finished, get the links to download

# Provide the same format you used to create the scene
scene.getDownloadURL(token, "rcm")

Maybe you want to cancel the progress


Or maybe you want to delete the scene
